In regards to results as you say, this can be misinterpreted in text so let me clarify.
10 years ago when I was chasing Fanta cans 800 meters and 1m deep I was thirsty for results. This went on for years really. I finally realized that I was doing it wrong.
And so 3 years ago I adopted a different attitude, more one of the researcher and decided to not think about the results anymore, to detach. That was when things with meaning started happening for me and took me out of kindergarten shall we say.
To not derail the thread, I will discuss this point and to use a cliche from the movie The Last Samurai,
" too many minds". " No mind " This is the psychological state I strive for when dowsing. To be detached from the outcome and to look at it from the open sphere but with a clear intent.
This for the metaphysics part.
On the scientific part I would like to work this more in order to achieve a better balance, and not so much for treasure hunting although it is fun. But as you said, after a certain point one is not the same, I have crossed to the other side, there is no going back.
The dowsing spectrum is so vast, I see that clearly now and have come to realize that there is so much more that can be done with it.
Just a small correction here in regards to ghosts. I mentioned in my original post that you should be able to go to ground zero. To correct that, I found the target in the field 1,5meters away, to the east/southeast. Ghost to the north, so if I was to rely solely on dowsing and proceeded to dig, I would have missed. Thankfully we live in the technology age.
All the best