Dell Winders is gone
I'm saddened to report that Dell Winders passed away today, July 15, 2019.
Dell & I had many heated debates over LRLs and were often very rude toward each other on the forums. Several years ago I told Dell I was done, and despite my skepticism toward LRLs I would no longer engage with him on the forums. We agreed to disagree and let it go.
In the past year or so his living situation had become dire and his health was failing. Last November I was in Tallahassee visiting family so I drove down to Auburndale and dropped in on Dell, very much uninvited. I was shocked at Dell's living conditions; he was a half-step from homelessness, living in a cargo trailer. The door was open, I knocked and he said "come in." He had no idea who I was, and when I introduced myself he was absolutely floored. We shook hands, buried the hatchet, and I stayed the rest of the day with him talking treasure, dowsing, LRLs, Big Pharma, and lots of other things. I ran out for some food, and gave him some other assistance. When I left that evening it was with the sad realization that a man with an incredibly fascinating life was destined to end it alone and destitute.
I've been wanting to get back for another visit and just a week ago I called the RV park where he lives to check in on him because he had been silent since March. Everything was reported to be fine, but it appears that he took a sudden turn for the worse. I'm glad it was not a long drawn-out ordeal -- Dell absolutely despised Big Pharma and didn't want to end up where he did.
Though I disagree with him regarding his LRLs, I can say without hesitation that Dell passionately believed in everything he was doing. There was never any intent to mislead anyone. He certainly had a colorful life with many accomplishments and deserved a far better ending than he got.