Hi Geo. I just returning from my vacations.
So has i told Franco, i will restar building LRL proyects that i left for a while.
You are a very expirienced man about LRL´S, so your comments are apreciated.
For my was not easy to know at first time here on the forum, wich device was correct to build and study, because has you know many proyects and schematics where posted and also many builders has started to build units and tested normally with no success.
Indeed i goy one crypton unit from Andreas that never worked for me. But this risk was assumed by me, because it was one way to know who was the real honest man.
Today i can see more clearly that none of this devices works on all terrains or countris due to diferents field conditions. So for that, i can see now that may be some may was right and some not, depending on what they build, how they tune it up and where they tested.
I belive on Esteban devices, your devices and Franco lrl, because it shows that on the backup, was a complete interest to learn, experimenting and share information.
All and all, i will try againg my experiements, taking in mind that after all this learning years and expirences, today i have more knowing about the correct people that is keeping their work on lrs´s, without be interested on taking your money from your pocket.
Thansk Geo and will keep talking here on the forum.
Originally Posted by Geo
Hi Nelson.
I live at a City with "difficult" terain.
So Modified Mineoro FG80 works little at my City and good at other places
PDK don't work at my city but works at other cities, the same with Alonsos PD.
Andy Flind's MFD (or Cryfton...) don't work at my City and work a little at some places.
Franco's lrl works at my City with lower detection distance but it locates iron objects. Only one time i located copper and silver at test area. I have n't tried it at other Cities.
So what advice to give you??? Maybe to begin with the PDK if the terain at your area is good. About me i use 2 lrls with ferrite that are most better that everything else but they are very complex.