Thread: Lrl from Italy
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Old 10-17-2017, 10:42 AM
FrancoItaly FrancoItaly is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Liguria, Italy
Posts: 1,376

Originally Posted by Dubulumach View Post
Thank you very much FrancoItaly.

Yes your lrl design is working and working excellent. Quartz version. I think you again have right. The distance depends on target size.

Soon i will finish hef4046 lrl version and try at test field.


Does at output of sensor stage, at collector T4 BC183c at point "X" should be pure sinius signal like in quartz version, or impulse signal, or something else, and if yes sinus, how to achive this ? How to tune and adjust hef4046 version ?


It is difficult to observe the waveform at point X as the oscilloscope probe affects the amplitude of the signal. I suggest adding the TR5 stage (I'm referring to the 8mhz quartz version) and having as reference DC voltage, waveform is not important, also this output will be useful later for the comparison between phase variation and variations of amplitude. As for the 4046 I recommend using a frequency of 2.5Mhz, higher frequencies, to the limit of the chips possibilities (at least that in my obsession) cause an excessive absorption.
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