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Old 03-23-2017, 10:10 AM
ANDREAS's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Greece - Athens
Posts: 553

Originally Posted by WM6 View Post
This could be true, if we are talking about gold mixture, which we are not.
Under condition, that your PD's are really capable to detect something on remote, whic are not.

Gold alloy (no matter which one) is not mixture of gold parts with other metals parts, it is ALLOY,
whole new composite metal, with new chemical (different density, different melting point, different
electrical resistivity etc.) and physical (different hardness, different elasticity etc.) properties........
What a treasure hunter wants;
A real gold detector that can detect and get gold objects from the earth. Now, if the goal is pure gold or gold alloy .. all treasure hunters are not interested in these explanations ... only that the objects can be detected and that they can find them.
Therefore, each user is not interested in your explanations in chemical research field, but only for the success.
Good effort !!!!
Your explanations are correct and help many of the members here in the forum, to understand them. But in the end, you mean that if they find gold coins they shouldn't take them because they are not pure gold (as they are not). We both know that they won't do such a thing.
best regards
crypton's designer
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