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Old 03-23-2017, 02:10 AM
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Nicolas Nicolas is offline
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Originally Posted by WM6 View Post
This could be true, if we are talking about gold mixture, which we are not.
Under condition, that your PD's are really capable to detect something on remote, whic are not.

Gold alloy (no matter which one) is not mixture of gold parts with other metals parts, it is ALLOY,
whole new composite metal, with new chemical (different density, different melting point, different
electrical resistivity etc.) and physical (different hardness, different elasticity etc.) properties.

Despite 14 karat gold is still named gold, but it is whole different metal as pure gold, by its chemical
and physical properties.

Some gold alloys are by its chemical and physical properties in many cases more different from pure
gold, than some metal from its neighborhood from period table: as Platinum (Pt) or Lead (Pb).

There is no pure gold in nature. All gold is some sort of very different alloy.

There is no on remote detectable "only" gold (by its chemical and physical properties) from gold alloys.

So your claim is pure bluff, with commercial intention to scam naive buyers..

Hi dear wm6 this is good answer and perfect clear demonstration and explanation
God bless all - Nicolas

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