Originally Posted by Mike(Mont)
Or is it "Total confusion"?
First off, I have not built the TOTeM project so I don't know for sure.
Okay, I think something is not right and I just wanted to put this out so you can decide if I am right or I am wrong. Sorry didn't post the diagram that shows the null lines for the ferrite rod. It is figure 7 in the "Pistol Detector TOTeM Project". In the diagram the null lines come off the edge of the coil (right at the windings) at 45 degrees. i do not think this is right but I could be wrong. I think the null lines should come off 45 degrees from the CENTER of the TX coil. For a four inch (10cm) diameter coil, that's going to move the ferrite rod back about one inch (about 2.5 cm). Tell me if I am right or wrong.
If I'm right, this is my New Year's present to the forum. Can you hear me now?
The diagram in the TOTeM project is correct. The magnetic field is strongest close to the windings, and weaker at the center of the coil, as shown by the Biot-Savart Law.