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Old 01-02-2017, 06:52 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 2,119

One of my motto's I made up "Man who pats self on back ends up with broken arm." So I say this with great apprehension because I know the next time the damned thing won't work right, but right now it SEEMS to be working. At least indoors at close range, which is not a good test because it's such a small search area. I put out a gold target and a silver target. Set the device for gold and hit the gold target, then I exchanged places of the targets--gold where the silver was and silver where the gold was. Again, it hit the gold target. Then I set it to silver and did the same thing again with same results. Well, now I need to go find out if I jinxed it.
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