Thread: TOTeM confusion
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Old 01-02-2017, 05:35 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Default TOTeM confusion

Or is it "Total confusion"?

First off, I have not built the TOTeM project so I don't know for sure.

Okay, I think something is not right and I just wanted to put this out so you can decide if I am right or I am wrong. Sorry didn't post the diagram that shows the null lines for the ferrite rod. It is figure 7 in the "Pistol Detector TOTeM Project". In the diagram the null lines come off the edge of the coil (right at the windings) at 45 degrees. i do not think this is right but I could be wrong. I think the null lines should come off 45 degrees from the CENTER of the TX coil. For a four inch (10cm) diameter coil, that's going to move the ferrite rod back about one inch (about 2.5 cm). Tell me if I am right or wrong.

If I'm right, this is my New Year's present to the forum. Can you hear me now?
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