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Old 12-31-2016, 02:02 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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Default Inside The Metal Detector Book

Figured this topic needs it's own thread.

I got a copy of ITMD (Second Edition) yesterday and read it until my eyes and brain got tired. Actually my brain was tired before I ever started reading. So maybe "overload" is a better word. Learned a lot especially about the Induction Balance. Trying to relate all this to the contraption I am working on, and was hoping to incorporate some ground balance into it. So trying to learn about the GEB ground balance. I'm not too savvy on this and it's "learn as I go". My main concern centers around the oscillator being sine wave instead of the square wave my device uses. Looks like the GEB converts it to square wave, so maybe I can cut one step out of the process. But I need to temper my enthusiasm because my motto "Nothing is ever as easy as it first appears." Well, I just read through it one time and really need to go back over it "with a fine-toothed comb". Yeah, there is some good material there and I give it two thumbs up. Haven't even got to the pulse induction section yet.
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