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Old 12-25-2016, 08:58 PM
HaFar2010 HaFar2010 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 55

Dear all.
Some time that several questions have engaged my mind and i haven't a clear answer for them.
So i decided to share the questions in the forum, and ask you to consult together.
the questions is as follows:

1- What is the quickest trick for producing magnetic field of gold? How long does the trick take?

2- As you know, PD has reaction than power flow, TV and low-power light.
So question that rises here is that which of them is the best test for PD?
Other words, which of the tests has most similar to gold?

3- Why does all LRL, which work base on ferrite, has reaction than low-power light?
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