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Old 10-31-2016, 01:13 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 2,119

They were more popular in Europe probably because not so stringent medical device laws at the time. Basically a Black Box with several potentiometers and some sort of connection with the human body. Each pot acts like a tuned antenna--by adjusting the pot, the length of the antenna is increased or decreased. SOme have a skid plate you rub you finger on and try to feel an increased amount of friction. The one I had used a GSR galvanic skin response to measure skin resistance. Also had an antenna you would rotate until it pointed to the target and the GSR gave a response.

That's how I learned to dowse. Any of those GSR devices are very touchy or hard to adjust. Any extra hand movement causes a false response. Some GSR's use a soup can the person holds for the electrical connection to the skin. Grip tighter or looser and the thing gives a false response. Others use finger electrodes or even foot plates. All have their issues. And there are many different meter responses to learn to interpret.

My feelings, a good way to learn to relax and meditate but difficult otherwise. The human connection is the hang-up point. Maybe some kind of implanted electrodes that can maintain a steady connection but I doubt it. Any muscle movement is going to affect it.

That was 35 years ago and I've used others since and pretty much gave up on it all. But it can work and I found gold with it.
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