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Old 04-28-2016, 03:14 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 2,119

Can't recall where I read it but the article was about some people being a prisoner of blame. They blame everything on somebody or some thing. They never take responsibility for their own actions. For LRL's it's a matter of learning how to use the device and one of the essentials is to learn some form of meditation. While some people are able to get some weak form of it through continual practice, about 99% give up before that ever happens. And even for those who do it without any map or goal it's weak at best. The whole idea is so you don't influence the rods. Very few people in the world ever reach that level. Just claiming that you are "totally unbiased" doesn't cut it. That's total self delusion which leads us right back to the blame game. A prisoner of blame is just that--they can't escape their jail cell. The VERY first step is to admit YOU are the problem, or as some say "That's a YOU problem." Nobody else holds the key to your jail cell.

I could go into it and say pride is a huge issue. The one's who pride themselves on their reasoning and logic skills are the worst offenders. They cannot comprehend there is more to it than what they think. They have a death grip on their ego. Many people carry a chip on their shoulder. Well, not my problem.
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