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Old 04-21-2016, 03:10 AM
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Nicolas Nicolas is offline
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Originally Posted by Funfinder View Post
People of course wanna think what feels good to them!

I don't wanna accuse you - you might have the intention
being some great inventor and the illusion that the
result of your work "directs" into the correct direction
but this is nothing if you live just in your own little dreamworld!

Guys, I'm a philosopher and I know all those impulses people
drives on. It feels good for your own but it is not the truth!

You have the illness of inventors-egomany!

This is some self-concentrated-reflectionary justification that what you are doing "works"
but it works not!

You can built a candle from the grease of a corpse and find treasures with it at night if you wanna
believe in medieval fairy-tales or you can put a piece of silver on a rod so it detects
buried silver but all this crap does not proven works!

Wake up or we will put you into closed psychiatry even by force - this is possible!!!
Because you are a danger to yourself and to other people!
Stop dreaming!

You can not detect micro-minimal gold signals just by "attraction" if the little
gold coin is 100 meters away! This is your pure wish-thinking!
And if you are dead there also is no paradise in heaven, you fools!!!
Stop spreading and believing lies, do you hear me!? Otherwise you will get much more
worse situations as it was with Stalin in Communism where he erradicated all
this dirty and full of lies and wish-thinking polluted religious dirt!

You have still not achieved even a 0,000% proof that your little crap circuits
are really reliable working? Oh, what a shame for you?
Play your childish bullsh*t games for yourself only and don't terrorize the outside word with your
foolish dreams!!! Karl will watch what you are doing here - infact you are just
OUR guinea pigs (animals for experiments) here in a cage we will look very closely at!

Because we know already from the beginning that your LRL-crap never will succeed!
God bless all - Nicolas

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