WM6, I'm sure you think i am some idiot living in a faery tale world. That's okay, it doesn't hurt my feelings. I'm "tough enough to wear pink" as they say. (Not really!) I've been at this locating since the late 1970's with untold hours. It's my passion and this latest project has certainly become an obsession. I've been on the forums since 1996 and I witness the skeptics EVERY day since. I was raised by a skeptic and yes, many are perfectionists. I decided I didn't want to be a perfectionist decades ago. Like the saying "Perfectionism is paralysis." pretty well sums it up. i might add perfectionists can never be happy with their addiction. And lately with this project I find myself migrating back to that direction and it makes me sick. (puke icon here) That's why I believe more in the faery tales than any in skeptic ever admitting that an LRL works. Their brain cannot handle any imperfections like when locating conditions are not good and the device does not work right. It's the "throw the baby out with the bathwater" mentality that is borderline diabolical. And I'm being nice here because I don't really think it is borderline at all. It's a sickness, a mental illness. As much as I like to say it's not my problem, no question is does affect me. Very disturbing at times. I really want to help but I don't know how. Maybe I should have become a psychiatrist like my Aunt told me.