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Old 03-26-2016, 03:29 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 2,119

I have been using a lower frequency for gold and it seems to lock on faster but on another thread I said it was almost instantaneous and lately this has not been the case. The other day it was about two minutes and today even longer, so maybe the cold weather is causing the longer times. I didn't time it but it had to be nearly five minutes this morning with temperature just above freezing. Anyway, I plan to work with this one for a few days to see how it holds up. So far i like it. Also I have been using the receiver antenna from two angles, 90 degrees, so i get nulling one way and the alarm tone from the other. They both point the same direction even if it is not on the correct line to the target. After a while I can tell when the nulling is on the target as it gets sharper edges to it.
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