Thread: Lrl from Italy
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Old 03-05-2016, 03:52 PM
enjoykin4 enjoykin4 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 141

Originally Posted by FrancoItaly View Post
Hi enjoykin4,
At the moment the conditions of my wife are stationary and require my continued presence so I can only dedicate myself to the theory of LRLs, but as I said I am very interested to infrared rays, by comparing the signal provided by my LRL and the one provided by a infrared system it could be possible a sort of discrimination. I am preparing a similar system to the pulse induction, where there is a pulse transmitted by an infrared LED and a receiving part, another infrared LED, a kind of infrared radars. Soon I'll post the schematic so someone can experience it. As for the impulse of which you speak I have some experience with the construction of electronic musical instruments, electronic organs in particular, according to the Fourier analysis the square wave contains only odd harmonics of decreasing amplitude and for obtaining a sawtooth wave is necessary to add to square wave his higher octaves with decreasing amplitude. Thus only with square waves (easily available with frequency dividers) was possible to have a sound with odd and even harmonics. As a boy I also repaired the radios and I used a square wave generator (about 1000Hz), a signal tracer useful to inject the signal even in the high frequency stages as the harmonics easily arrived in the Mhz range.

Best Regards
Dear Franco I have not experience in the construction of electronic musical instruments, electronic organs and other electoinic instruments but i have experience in physic's experiments.

If you make some experiments with nano-pulses in HV domain you will see that envelope of nano-pulses have almost perfect sawtooth wave shape - so it have infinite superpositions of both odd and even harmonics over wide frequenc range. If you succedd to make an Unipolar nano-impulse you will get pure potential impulse with zero current running. This kind of impulses are basic of scalar longitudinal waves. So am pretty sure that gold treasure radiate above described zero current - high potential impulses (remember burnt front-end LRL electronics of Alonso Geo and many others LRL hunters). And yes they (nano-impulse) influent E-field of your telescopic antenna and parallel tank-circuit changing amplitude and phase of your LRL. And they deca with 1/r law.

Best Regards from Russia
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