Hi Geo
Has i mention long time ago, one of the clues for this kind of antennas, is to make them shorter and efective too for TX and RX.
Here i m sending a link to a homebrew antenna called Isotron. This cantenna can be found on lots of web sites, in homebrew versions and also factory versión.
This antenna has been build be me many many times for diferent ham radio bands, and his performance is good compared to a full dipole.
I had been working with antennas for more than 30 years, and my tools are, antenna simulation softwares, lots of field test and experimentation, and also getting feedback from Isotron antenna users.
Now the problem is that, i never found the correct frequency to work with my LRL´S, so this complicate a good antenna design that works on the correct frecuencia at his best performance.
Of course there are other small models of antennas that can be calculated to work on the Khz´s spectrum
Originally Posted by Geo
From what i remember (before many many years) The capacitance from disk don't receives signal but make a short antenna to works as bigger. But i don't remember this time where i have read that IGA-1 works at low frequences, so who is the job of this small antenna?????