Originally Posted by enjoykin4
Hi Geo
Good news from you!. Tell me more how your lrl work and show us your oscillograf snapshots (envelopes) in different test points.
My the question: at which side of C3 you have connected a trimer 10k - side to base of T1 or side to Pin (3 and 4 ) ?
900 mVpp - is probably too high amplitude for "scalar" mixer Tr2-L1-C11-C10. Big VCO amplitde can fully suppress "Gold Scalar signals" - (oversaturate gold and silver signals).
Hi Enjoy.
About trimmer it is connecting at side of 4046 (pin 3@4).
About oscillographs... there are some problems with the quality of them because here are many scattered signals from 4046 and oscillographs are not clear at every point.
I will try to take phot of oscillographs at Pin2, Pin3 and pin14 of 4046. Signal at base of TR2 is not clear and it's very low so can't see it clear.