Gold Gun with Gemini III Transmitter
Hi to everybody, specially to those who are knowledgeable to vlf theories and its application. I have build the gold gun and i have heard that the vlf transmitter where it is tuned to is no longer transmitting vlf signal. So, i used my Gemini III (transmitter) as local transmitter. It transmit 81.92 khz according to the manual. I tuned my gold gun to the same frequency. I am not sure if its transmitter can be used in conjunction with the gold gun. So I ask somebody in this forum to help me the correct procedure in doing the search.
The Gemini has a ground assembly an option in locating a buried pipe with known point. So i use this option via a stainless rod inserting into the ground to transmit the signal. I do not know if i am right on this set-up. So, here are my questions:
1. What is the best way of transmitting a signal into the ground? Is it via a rod or the loop antenna?
2. Is the loop antenna vertical or horizontal? (lying flat in the ground)
3. If I use the loop coil and not the rod, what is the correct procedure for the search?
4. What is meant by "searching" at the edge of the area to be surveyed?
5. What is the estimated distance between the gold gun and the transmitter?
6. At what depth that the transmitter can go underground?
Any help is highly appreciated...Thank you