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Old 05-09-2015, 02:20 PM
goldfingerLLC goldfingerLLC is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 10
Default Hostile Terrain

Yes, the Lorenz is one of the best. That is the reason I used it. The experience I have with these different units is only in the terrain I work in. There are many factors as to why I have not had success with these instruments.

The terrain is extreme. Always high humidity regardless of the season and there is always a minimum of 80% humidity under the canopy. When it rains it is of course 100%. Very hard on electronics. The Treasure Navigator lasted for only 3 months and I had it in a plastic carrying case with bags of silicon to absorb the moisture. Bags in the Navigator case and outer case.

Human error under these circumstances.

None to very little line of sight and most of the time little room to work. Cant cut everything down. Truck loads of some of the worlds most deadliest snakes.

What is under the ground in these areas of the South Pacific of Costa Rica can be considered bizarre and what these vanished tribes did was also bizarre.

I tried to use the data logger to find the previously dug holes. But, just because someone dug a hole there hundreds of years ago does not mean there is anything in it. This is just in areas I was able to use the 1mx1m coil.

I did spend as much time with these units as I could and exhausted all avenues I could think of.

I got ghosted by all the units that I have used there so far. Some of the material that I have dug up has been magnetic. Rocks that are attracted to each other. There are ghost lights in the area. Some coming out of the ground like a flame and then there are luminous balls that move around. Some are blue and some green. Bizarre ground.
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