Crypton OBMD #3 for Sale
You are correct. Usually damp soil enhances. But, not where I work. The terrain is treacherous enough to get to(snakes and black panthers)but what is underneath is intense. Iron and copper deposits galore with magnetic hot rocks. I have pulled up black rocks that have a magnetic attraction to each other. I have also uncovered big round spheres as wide as 4M diameter that have some sort of strange energy to them. When I put a compass on top of it it will spin on some of them and then later go away in a few days.
I have been ghosted by the LRL's like the Treasure Navigator and the Scanmaster Quad 1550(I just remembered that one). I used those for months and exhausted all avenues until declared unsuccessful in this area. Day and night using a barometer. Different temperatures.
The Gold Gun meter went all over the place and the headphones never gave a null sound.
The bummer of it all is that the crew I work with has dug up small pieces of Indian gold on the same mountain top that I was using all this stuff over time. Their 350 year old techniques seem to be the best detectors there so far not to mention the tractors that uncover a corridor when making new roads.
I have used all the big coils up to the 1mX1m double frame. You have to remember this is the real jungle and space can often be a luxury. And it is always wet under the canopy regardless of the season.