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Old 05-01-2015, 06:36 AM
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Funfinder Funfinder is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 482

Qiaozhi, let em cry like a Rock-Band, 4000 years ago for egypt hyroglyphs they also had just capital letters *laugh* ... And not only there, roman inscripitions was the same - look at the coins!

But I have to criticize the content of clarklocator:

I doubt you have the real competence to write here:
You are speaking here about high mineralized geografical conditions.
With some (bad) luck every detector will beep there like hell.

But what we are talking is about locating significant detection signals or:
from far distance seen pretty week "energy-fields" within a low energy-region.

In other words:
The detector has to recognize exactly the value 1001, if the surrounding situation is 1000.
Sounds like an arabic fairy-tale but it is like that, if it really should work!
Otherwise you have to multiplicate your personal effort at such region with the factor 1000.

Andreas is some kind of "freespirit" who wants to achive very special results by his own way.

This isn't bad, seen from an overall looking perspective, but it is of course not good if
it results in selling worlwide notworkable devices for some extremly high price!
It's like selling glass-stones for diamonds.

His once good intention in finding treasures may have been corrupted in "mining miners treasure hunting" or simply spoken: "exploit other people". Or not - we don't know his true intentions - only the results
which turns out as no good.

Of course we will not tolerate this, he will be seen very critically as long as he's not able to
provide real working stuff - and that's why we have to look onto his fingers!

LRL-constructors with just "energized water" in their boxes
will not have any good business for a longer time, anyway.

Keep in mind, that the main technology-power always the military has in its hands,
because military doesn't relies on hogwash fantasy dreams, and just far, far later,
all those witches and fantasy products creating persons may sell their illusional stuff.

Energized by pure lies!

Put this stone onto your head an you will live forever!

Yeah, shure, I will give you 5000 bucks for it, thank you and god bless you!


If you LRL-guys would know exactly with what persons you deal, you better
would stop your silly activity. And it's really not a good way for your personal life.
We can see through you since 10.000s of years.
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