Anybody can hook up a frequency generator. But there's more to it. The HID systems for one. And you must know how to use the rods and how to interpret them. Of course that's the hard part and if you think you can learn that on your own without some guidance, you are delusional. And it's more than just learning the rods, that's the meditation part.
The dowsing amplifier I built does not work without a sample or witness. That tells me it is not really dowsing, but i call it that because it uses the witness and most people associate that with dowsing. Of course the skeptics associate anything with L-rods as dowsing. That's simple ignorance. And like they say in AA if you don't admit you have a problem you will continue to play the blame game. Blame the equipment, blame the builder, blame everything except yourself. That's why they say "prisoner of blame". You make your own jail cell.