I am working on the Super Star QL (quantum leap) that uses an L-rod and a sample/witness. I've been pleased with it but haven't had it out in the field yet, just in my yard. I've compared it to the frequency generators and I like it better. And I'm not going to charge an obscene price. It's going to be well under $1000. maybe not even half that much.
I don't know if anyone else uses this type of system. From everything I can see, maybe that Crypton (the one that uses a sample) is something like it, but I don't know much about that one except what I read and it's certainly not the same. The Super Star you place a sample in the resonator chamber and just turn it on and go. It has a power control. It's not hand-held--you put it down on the ground and walk around it with an L-rod. It's more than that but I ain't giving that out. I've been working on this project off and on for a few years. It was Christmas Eve when I received grace from Heaven on this one quantum leap. "Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened unto you." Either that or it's the hundredth monkey rule. LOL