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Old 12-11-2014, 11:46 PM
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Funfinder Funfinder is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 482

Its good that you are not a dowser because the "talent" of dowsing is like
the talent of witchcraft, fortune telling or healing just by hands-touching -
nothing seriously, nothing real provable, nothing reliable, nothing at all!

Greece is like Italy a very religious and superstitious country but this
doesn't mean that the angels or spirits will lead people there to tresures.

Andreas, I made myself some thoughts and I found out some important things:

It's not enough that the OBMD works for you, because if you wanna share
it with other people or sell it the meaning is that it works for others, too.

The most simple test would be the following:

Give some person that doesn't know where are your test-objects etc. are buried
the OBMD into his hand, go together to your testfield, explain beforewards how
it works and let them find your buried stuff on its own.
Don't help after you have shown that person how the device work, not even
go closer than 10 meter!
If your detector really works it should be absolute no problem for this person
to get the same good find-results than you do!
You can repeat this whole test with 10 more persons if some are unable to
follow your directions and advices, but really without help and suggestion
this and that!
After the person has entered the testfield it is absolutly on its own
and if it fails to detect your buried stuff everyone else might fail, too!
Especially customers from foreign countries with totally different land-conditions.

And instead of your test-garden you better should first use the OBMD
to find a spot where absolutly no signal is at all and bury stuff there!!!

Because how will you know that the signal you get in your test-garden
really is caused just by the metal-object? You may have very special
mineralic or even ferro-magnetic ground-conditions which cause the
anomaly where the OBMD react without you know it. It can react on

And infrared-sensor?!
This only works if there is a cellar below the ground in the morning
or evening because that way the above floor-temperature is slightly
different compared to the other soil. And even gold-objects will not
radiate temperature-rays if was heaten up by the sun if its buried too deep.

The best thing would be if you have 3 persons and you make the test somewhere
at a place where you have tested beforewards that there is absolutly no signal!

At that area you bury something and you test that it works for you.
Next you look for 2 persons, one is controlling that you really don't
give any subtile hints or tips to lead the test person to the detection spot
or that he should hold the detector slightly lower when the area of the
buried item comes closer etc.!
If the test person is unable to locate the find the same good as you can
the detector is clearly not improved and realiable enough for the outside world!

And such tests you should repeat at least 10 times for going shure that minimum
5 out of 10 persons are having real good detection-results without absolutly any
direct help from you at the test region or wood !!!!

If you really built something useful this here is no magic but based on
electro-magnetical principles and if its really works it will work repeatable
and it would be very easy for other persons geting the same results as you.

Good luck.
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