Thx for the correct answer and for the invitation, I want to visit some countries in that
region anyway. If I use and test this devices the same way you do and I get the same
results of course it would be very convincing to me, but I would not test it that way.
After watching the video(s) I have to say that such tests should be not at some
garden land but deep in the woods and the detector should be placed on some
moveable roller or something so it works without someone holding it and
with always exactly the same distance and angle to the ground.
This way you can drag it with a rope and only if the gold-stuff is nearby
(a golden ring 2meters left or right to show its not some usual
metal detection effect) it should clearly and repeatable induce signals.
Seen from the technical aspect and because of your long years of experience
and how you are convinced that it works perhaps we have here some
directional antenna effect that occures especially strong on rings.
Even a very small AM (world) receiver already receives highly directional
the weak AM waves from hundreds of km away so the effect of a nearby
metal object may be possible somehow if the receiver is extremly directional
and the feedback-circuit with its highly critical adjustment is able to sense
this EM-field distortion caused by the metal object.
However this effect would have nothing to do with "long time ago buried"
because this is a myth that gold would be able to create such interactive-effects
or in other words: The surrounding soil adjusts itselfs EM-field very strong
just because of a little metal-object.
btw. the most simple explaination would be that the receiver gets holded
without that someone self recognizes it just a bit closer to the ground while
coming near the golden objects but I doubt you would not recognize this.
However thats why its so important that the detector needs a fixed track
with all the time exactly the same distance and angle to the ground for
excluding such possible reasons and to get real failproof test results.
It may be also important to find out if the detected object has to be directly
in the extended center-line of the big coil or of the ferrite-coil to create a
possibility of most exact pinpointing (because usual the object is buried).
Anyway, my warning about Dell Winders is serious, because if you wanna
see and have the Crypton as a respected special-detector you must not mix
it up with L-rods, dowsing stuff and all kind of similar pseudo-science-esoteric-crap!
If the Crypton OBMD-3 meanwhile really works on a repeatable testable detection
level this is a huge difference compared with "just by coincidence"-detectors which
just give positive results because every few meters may be something to find anyway.
Don't let your reputation and those of your meanwhile improved detectors get ruined
by persons and companies who can not pass any real reasonable tests at all.
If you think that the OBMD-3 is ready and working for and at America you will
find much better ways or you even can ship it directly from Greece.
Good luck and please consider my positively meant factors.