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Old 11-11-2014, 01:37 PM
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g-sani g-sani is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Greece
Posts: 411

Hi Mike,
I will try to put down some technique I am personally using after dowsing some place for treasure.
You go to a place and you are trying treasure hunting through dowsing and then you go home you sit somewhere where it is quite and you close your eyes an you try to visualize the picture of the place you have just dowsed.
It is better of course that you do it just a few hours later whith no other activities between and if you can have a warm bath it will help you relax even better.
You will try to ask questions to yourself while you visualise the place and they must all be related to what you are seeking.
The result after some practise is that you will get some extra info in those visualising pictures you are creating that you didn't know or you couldn't see when you where there.
I understood up to now that whenever I dowse a place it is like taking whith me some sort of an energy fingerprint of that place I have dowsed.
So what I am actually doing by this process I am describing above is that I am trying to materialise some energy forms to make them appear in my visualisation in order to actually see them
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