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Old 02-05-2014, 11:25 AM
Dave J. Dave J. is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 265
Default in plain view!

Hung, if the guy has paranormal powers, why is he ruining his reputation with a video in which he demonstrates how to do a silly "majick trick" stunt which requires no paranormal powers?

Some "majick tricks" rely on hidden devices, prestidigitation, etc. Y'know, like Mineoro does. And "majick tricks" in movies often rely on moviemaking and editing skill so what you see in the movie is not what you'd have seen in real life. LRL movies are often of that character. (Although it's surprising how often in LRL movies there is no trickery at all other than the poor guy not realizing he's demoing that the thing doesn't work.)

What made the "magnet man" movie such good entertainment was that it relied on none of that. Everything was in plain view, no telekinesis or other such silliness. The misdirection was supplied by the story that went along with it.

Great entertainment! Not only did I get to watch a fellow bamboozle gullibillies who believe that everything false is as true as they want it to be, for the rest of us he disclosed the whole scam in plain view so we could laugh at the gullibillies along with him.

Just like Thomas does in the Gravitator ad.
Have fun, read the advertisement!

--Dave J.
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