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Old 02-05-2014, 09:37 AM
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Qiaozhi Qiaozhi is offline
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
So, Frederico and georgie, the 'elektronik engineers' in this forum, postulate how Lenz's Law applies here:
It never ceases to amaze me how you're prepared to accept everything at face value without a shred of evidence. We should rename you Dr. Gullible.

As Dave has already stated, this is a well-known parlour trick.
You can see our friend Randi debunking a similar "magnet man" here ->

There is nothing "magnetic" going on, just capillary action enhanced by not washing for a few days, and possibly a small amount of hand cream.

Heinrich Lenz would turn in his grave if he was able to read your post, which (by the way) is also impossible, in case you're wondering.
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