You can purchase an all-electronic LRL from a company like Mineoro, which involves parting with a large sum of money, and will definitely buy you an expensive education
OR ...
you can buy one from Mozzie_1957:
with a cast-iron guarantee that it will never find treasure in a million years
OR ...
you can build your own.
The problem with building your own homebrew all-electronic LRL is the lack of information on where to start. You only have to examine the available information on the Alonso PD to see how sketchy the details really are. TOTeM, on the other hand, is fully documented with nothing hidden. It is the ideal platform for those who want to experiment within this gray area of metal detecting technology. Please be aware that there is absolutely no guarantee it will lead you to endless riches. It is simply a replication of the so-called pistol detector technology. It detects sparks from a great distance, as well as a CRT television - just like the Alonso PD, and those from Morgan - which (of course) does not necessarily imply that it can catch the PHENOMENON (whatever that is). However, it provides a solid basis from which to work, and in practice you can appear to be following a signal line. As I've said many times before, I have no problem with anyone wanting to experiment with all-electronic LRLs, Any experiment is a good one.
Two quotes from Thomas Edison:
1. “Negative results are just what I want. They’re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don’t.”
2. “To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.”