11-19-2013, 10:58 PM
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 2,629
More options selector
Originally Posted by Morgan
Hello Sneshko
hope all is fine with you
I remember that you get the PDK-2.1 from Goran,well,still not finding nothing ? do you made more field tests?
From a few PDKs that I sold i come to conclusion that your country, Midle East,Italy and Germany need other frequency in the PDK to work fine,and this modification can be done very easy.
Send message for my email and i give you instructions how to adapt a frequency selector in your PDK-2.1
Actualy I build a few PDK-2.3 this with frequency selector,and is much better than the PDK-2.1, it was a PDK-2.1 owner who gave me ideia of frequencies selector , under my instructions he adapt 6 diferent frequencies in his PDK and get good results in field,is from Midle East country.
Others interested after read that ,and want to adapt the Freq. Selector ,also send me email.
Here is another type of selector with 12 cap. options ,see the values :