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Old 09-27-2013, 03:29 PM
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Funfinder Funfinder is offline
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Posts: 482
Default Their activity here revelates the truth...

The more and longer I watch the methods and information politics here the more I must come to the conclusion that "all electronic LRLs" is just a huge fake, fraud or self-delusional thing !!!

We would have no working radio, electric light, TV, car-electronics and whatever in this world at all if each of those other engineers and electronical inventors would work with the same "unbeatable" or call it "unbearable" methods as it is the case with those oh so famous and "heavy wanted" all electronic LRL guys here.

At first there we have the "South-American-Clan" aka "Hung and friends". Those are the greatest mysterious-chandlers, fraudsters or self-betrayers. No proven working devices available but totally convinced about there fantastic LRL-detectors and very eager to protect the top-secret hitec electronic those are containing.

I guess no serious electronic-worker can take such a behaviour for serious. The oh so very fantastic reputation worldwide of the Mineoro speaks for itself:

"Stay away from this crap if you don't wanna waste thousands of dollars!"

Our LRL tinkering fraction:
Trying to create, clone, reproduce or invent by their own something "real working" in the field of all-electronic-LRLs. Some of their inspiration-sources may be the same doubtful as it is with Mineoro (perhaps it is the same source...) but much more terrible are the methods of "information" those are using:

Same as Mineoro or OKM, providing no real useful technical info, making big promotion by unbelievable find and detection stories and of course they must protect the wonder-circuits for all costs. To avoid the whole fake or self-delusion comes to light???

As I told already, real electronic engineers only can laugh about such fishy and sinister methods. Isn't it a wonder, that "real money bringing inventions" like the Video-Recorder, Devices with Lasers, Digital-Cameras or Colour-TV could have found their way to the public and producers? - they're all containing "top secret" electronic-circuits! Just the difference is this stuff get bought worldwide and the customers get something proven real working for their money!

For me this whole disguise-party here starts to look like women with make-up!
A questions like: "isn't it unfair to give information why LRL doesn't work for free?"

is nearly the same as:
"Isn't it unfair for women without Make-Up if they must compete with swindeling and faking women who wear Make-Up?"

Shure it may be unfair, but what is the conclusion of this:
That the bad and faking people are those who can set the standards how certain topics have to be handled?

At least we see to where it can lead:
People buy the ITMD book and spent again money for electronical-parts to built the ToTeM and afterwards are convinced now they have created "the best LRL detector in the world"!
As if it wouldn't be possible to explain within a few sentences why this stuff can't work while this would be so simple:
If there is no straight or direct radiatiaton source from the object only the indirect field-measurement-detection-methods can work (exlusive are shadowing-detection-methods but only work with high background-energy-sources).
So the detectable field gets weaker by the square per additional meter distance - I wish you much luck with the super-weak "interference field" of a little coin that is 5m away and 30cm deep.

The fazit is clear:

Stay away from persons who need methods that are far away from proven business methods, warranty gratifications, repeatable test results, clear, open and fair customers-information and scientifical proven working-standards.

btw. it is highly antisocial behavior if persons who would found a detector that really works at longer range don't give their knowledge to anti-mine-organisations so they can locate much better mines or those very small metal-parts of plastic-mines. Don't you feel any sorry for all those children who die each year from those evil war-remainings OR is your LRL-crap just a huge self-delusion, "pride-project" or tricky money-maker anyway???

This whole text is just to inform you that the liga of serious taken electronic-producers or inventors are playing a totally different game as it can be watched here!

If you wanna fool every month a few single persons by selling them your not proven working stuff for high prices go ahead and tell your great entertaining LRL stories here als long as Carl and Qiaozhi can laugh about this fairy-tales, but if you wanna be really respected I highly suggest you to start working the same professional as electronic- or computer-technology-companies do it since dozens of years!

If you don't know how to do this just ask and I'm shure every single and a little bit skeptical person here can give you perfect tips what has to be done to prove your special-detectors and what precautions must be taken to prevent self-delusion!

This is here not Las Vegas with one of its magician-illusion-shows!
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