Thread: lrl question !!
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Old 09-03-2013, 05:41 AM
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Funfinder Funfinder is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 482

Come on guys, you are posting pretty pictures and tell hopemaking stories but how would it be if you first post some proofs about your oh so nice looking LRLs and great detection experiences?

You can't - because your oh so super LRL technology is top-secret and nobody besides you must know the details? Huh huh huh - gimme a break - you have nothing than fairy-tales and you should post it at a forum for dreamers but not here!

If a person asks for a long range alu detection device tell 'em clearly that such a miracle box doesn't exist, please! Are you kids or brain-washed?

We are living in the daytime and we can see if something works or not, we don't need story-tellers who play their childish games since 10 years and longer!

This little Alonso-transmitter was not to ionize the ground, because from an electro-chemical point of view such a detector with cylindrical magnet-coil (nothing to do with tesla high voltage transformation at all!) can't detect inonized atoms at all (you need an x-ray meter for such stuff or a chemical-sniffer or an electrostatic-detector) - this detectors purpose was to get detected because some metal object is nearby which was the primary goal to detect.

The only way to detect at far distance would be a multi-segment detector that can analyze a grid or pattern of 100 x 100 "field- or measuring points". Compare it with a LCD-TV just the backwards way - such a detector must recognise the field values of 10.000 (100 x 100) "field-points" at once and within milli-seconds so the display can show you in realtime - of course with correctly amplified contrast-values - how the field is structured and how it changes while you move through it.

But even if this works the right way you can have very bad luck because such a detector would react the same heavy on strong changes in ground-mineralization and if there any at your treasure-hunting site you could get an interesting signal but just because a huge amount of some ore-stones are 5 meters below the surface.

This forum lures help-searching treasure-hunters into the dark as long as those "LRL-fans" here deny real info and instead repeating their fancy stories over and over again!

How the hell a person can become so absurd to claim that his stupid little moded long-wave or magnetical-field receiver is able to detect metal on long distances?

It's like a fortune-teller that looked too long into some crystal-ball!
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