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Old 04-07-2013, 09:45 PM
Goldmaxx Goldmaxx is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 94

Today the sun was shining and it was a little bit heater.
On this occasion have taken my TOTeM and went for a walk for two hours in the forest.
I wanted to see how the PD outdoors reacts.
It was just so and no special place where I went.
I've experimented a bit with the settings and have all the time no signal.
But suddenly I had a place where I had a good signel. I could not pinpoint exactly, but it was a clear signal.
I have found nothing and I then aborted the search because it was very cold again.
It was nothing special, but very interesting.
In the video, the PD was set in the active mode.
But I had the same signal in the passive mode.

If the weather is good next weekend, I'll try my luck at a good place.

here is the video from my trip
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