Originally Posted by Qiaozhi
The spark test is only an indication of the sensitivity to external EMI. Since your main purpose is not detecting sparks, the actual distance is not important.
I would consider this to be very good. If you watch some of the Mineoro videos, you will note that their pinpointing detection range (in air) is not as good. In Chapter 13, page 213, Carl shows a photo of his Mineoro FG80, and states that "FG" stands for "Fresh Gold", even though the device is incapable of detecting the test sample that comes with the unit.
Have you also noticed, when testing TOTeM, how the ring is only detected at the front-end of the ferrite, but there is no response from behind the unit?
In fact, you have a better sensitivity in the air test than my prototype. I switched on my TOTeM today and found that the meter was "zeroed" three-quarters of the way across the scale, so I probably need to recalibrate it.
Hello Qiaozhi
yes those are very good news.
I thought, because the book is in there, one could locate the spark test up to a distance of 3m. Then 1.5 m would be too little.
But if it is not so important, then is it better.
I must say that I myself was amazed because first he detected nothing, and when I calibrated the coils, he showed me in fact to gold and silver.
It is incredible that there really is a zero point and can only be located in this position noble metals. I must say that I was totally fascinated.
I'll watch the videos Mineoro definitely.
I have tested the rings unfortunately only on the front-end of the ferrite and not at the rear end. But I will test it in the next calibration, and report it you.
But unfortunately I'm going tomorrow for 4 days on vacation and only thereafter can you give the answer. That interests me now myself. Please be patience until then.
That's very good to hear that the sensitivity is good. I will try for the next calibration, if I can adjust it even more sensitive. Therefore I will try it outdoors to calibrate the device.
I think because the PD is so sensitive that it detect in passive mode in the house even if I turn on-off the light switch and it could be adjusted better outdoors.
But how can this happen with your Prototype that the calibration moved?
The red circle in the picture shows where I could detect the rings the best.