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Old 02-18-2013, 12:59 PM
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g-sani g-sani is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Greece
Posts: 411

Hi Morgan, I wanted to ask you something as well.I am very curious of what your answer will be.
How often do you actually get the targets that PDK detects?
I believe that it should be something like 1 out 15. I am not saying that I had any experience at all whith your PDK but I also understand that this might also has to do whith places and may be even has to do whith the country you are treasure hunting.And I am not talking about climate or different soil conditions but about how often somebody finds valuable objects like gold and silver here and there but also how often he is able to recover them as well.
My self for example found out after many years of treasure hunting that even when you are able and by any means to detect something like gold or silver from a distance is very difficult to verify the target using your vlf or PI and this is happening for various reasons.Basically and most probably is because its size is not enough for the depth that it is burried to make it detectable by our detector.
I know that myself because I am practising dowsing and it was many times I got small treasures or valuable objects.It took me many years and a lot of effort to understand what it really happens.
Before that I was always thinking that I was not really getting a target whith my rods and I am telling you that this is the worst enemy for a dowser and of what he is doing. And I know very well now that this is also the basic reason of why all of the people practising the art finally give it up. Doubts!
To overcome this I had to dig very big and large holes and many times to clearly see why I am not able to verify the target(if any) whith one of my detectors.
It was most of the times I dug a very big hole for a tiny target and it was times I didn't verify my dowsed target at all.
All this was happening at a large scale at the beggining until I understood what exactly was going on.
Now I am much better of telling about the size of a target so at the same time this helped me to became more succesfull as well.Whenever I understand that a target is small and I don't get it whith my detector I just leave it and carry on whith the next one.
Always there is some gold objects here and there over here in Greece as in other countries as well and most of them dropped some time ago from some people and it is rare that some of them were hidden by hand.Accordingly to this treasure cases and things like that are finds of a lifetime and of course is logicall as well.
So, this is why I am asking you Morgan the question above.I am sure that you have some related experience about that(and by now) and your answer will probably give me a good idea of the depth that your PDK can go.Have you ever verified it in something deep?
If you didn't do it yet then you must.You must dig some targets even if your MD doesn't get them and especially if there is one that you get from a long distance.
If the percentage rate of recovering the targets is much more of what I said above then it is clearly that PDK is not suitable for big treasures because they are ussually burried deep or there is the case that PDK doesn't detect at all below some certain depth(cms) which I personally find impossible.Of course there is the case that you didn't come accross to a bigger treasure yet but my experience says that this is not the case this time.When you are in an ancient ruins place and you recover silver coins then the possibillities of something bigger burried in the area are very high and you should get it whith your LRL(if it has the abillity) sooner or later.
I believe that depth is proportional to target size as well as the distance is for an LRL like PDK.
Waiting for your valuable answer, well done for your videos Morgan
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