Thread: H3Tec Challenge
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Old 01-14-2013, 04:29 PM
Diohuni Diohuni is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 21

Delighted to belatedly catch up with the news of Chuckie heading for the hills and going underground! No doubt we can wait on the edge of ours eats to hear news that he has struck the motherlode! Or perhaps not!

Anyone heard any news as to why he finally gave up flogging the dead horse of the H3Tec fraud?

I still treasure some of my email exchanges with Chuckie.

As well as the email and internet campaign to get him and others shut down.

No doubt other versions of LRLs are still out there. We got involved because Chuckie was making claims for and of military use. I guess, sad as it is, that at least failure of LRLs in prospecting is less dangerous than when they are sold to detect explosives e.g. ADE651, GT200 etc. If you have not heard, fraud trials start in the UK of the main suppliers of these devices.

Latest developments at:

and at:

Kudos to Carl for his tenacious pursuit of Chuckie!!!
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