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Old 12-31-2012, 03:42 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2012
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Posts: 133

Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
Yes i can send you one but is really not good for bunker more for learning. This detector can pick up a comb going through your hair at 5 meters, fast responce!. But for a bunker you need a slower device. I have an electronic circuit but no time to build even for myself.
The best and cheapest one i can think of is a spring divining rod, which YOU can build at home very easily. It will directly show you the difference between your bodies electrofication potential and the surounding potentientals around you. It is probably a good starting point for you.
Here is a picture , of not a good one.
Use coat hanger size wire and start with 8- 10 turns. then bend wire and twist to go straight. then hold the wire with roughly 3 cm thumb to coil an cut behind your hand. Then stretch your other hand out and hold the other end, cut here.

Do not put bend or wooden handle in as in photo. Use a straight rod just like Harry Potter's wand. Works better!
It will spring towards / or away from different electrofied potentials around you, and best to keep your arm straight out to increase sensitivity.

Once you have tried it you can modify it by putting a mechanical PREAMP on the front end. Use 2 coils in the rod. Go 3-4 turns (straight wire space) then 5-6 turns and then to hand. This increases the electrostatic stress on the rod and makes it far more sensitive.
Also if you need to straighten twisted wire tie one end to a tree and the other end to a stick in your hands and twists the wire in one direction while pulling it tight.
Hi , thanks for the answer but you see i'm not good in building something , the rod make from wire it's good but i cant understant how to make it because the translation is bad , i have seen a few rods like that to ebay and i will take a look there but tell me when i find an undergroud space-banker what will be the reaction of the rod ?
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