Thread: Growing Nuggets
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Old 12-11-2012, 07:23 AM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Posts: 262
Default Growing Nuggets

Heard a story on another thread/forum about gold coming in from meteorites and thought i would add the following;
Just watch Steven Hawking show which explained that gold actually comes from exploding stars which then reforms with other matter to create a new solar system. The video is available to buy online if you wish, I watched it on t.v. and thought it was excellent.
But rather than J.P.’s theory of the gold on earth coming from meteorites, I was shown at a prospectors club meeting a theory that the gold has already arrived here while the earth was being formed. But! Why do we find gold in unusual spots? The nuggets are far away from primary reefs. And some have been so big that they could not be carried there. The answer according to the geologists who was the speaker at the meeting was that Gold Au is thought of as insolvable by acid. Well according to the geologists that isn’t so. There is an acid that dissolves gold, and apparently during the formation of the earth millions of years ago, this acid naturally existed. So the gold plus acid became a solution which travelled through the surface of the earth and then, I think it was millions of years latter reformed into solid gold. I think it may have been a way for the earth to find equilibrium. This explains way nuggets can be found anywhere including inside sandstone.
Sorry I can’t remember the acid or the chemical equation, that meeting was 20 years ago.
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