Thread: Sell LRL
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Old 08-17-2012, 01:07 PM
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Default To Jimys

Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
This is a simple LRL,turn ON,the front knob is to use in the Max. Sens. allways and the Top knob behind the search coil is to use in the limit right before the buzzer start bippers.
There is one Yellow LED who open when batteries are low.

Is very small LRL,can put in my pocket.


Here some explanations about PDK and the VHF electromagnetic waves:

hello morgan

i need your advice about my problem
i m order the pdk 2 from 5 july to paulo and he told me it finished that about 2 weeks later.
two weeks later he told me he cant find free time. at the last week he told me make the vhf transmitter and its contact with him today he told me that he cant find free time to build my pdk2.
i dont know what i can do with that situation.
im awful i dont know maybe yes.
is there anyone can give me the pdk2 in real time?

friendly regards

My honest answer is :


I was informed that the VHF ANALOG TV transmittions finish in Greece three weeks ago. Maybe you not know yet but the PDK-2 is working using VHF electromagnetic waves that activate the underground metals,this way is possible to locate the objects very far,one coin 10 meters,one treasure 80 meters.The PDK-2 is RECEIVER.
Without VHF waves the PDK only give sparzed signals in the area of buried objects and it will be extremly dificult to PINPOINT them.
Actualy I made a few tests with small portatil VHF trasmitter but the results not satisfy me,it realy need the strong power of the old local VHF TV transmitter working in 175 to 220 MHz. The VHF ANALOG transmittions stop in my country at 24/April/2012.
The modern DIGITAL UHF transmitters working at 842 MHz not good.
Now i´m working on modifications in PDK-2 , i think is possible to make it much more powerful in the way to locate very easy the Gold/Silver without the need of VHF or RF waves from transmitters.

Its your choice to buy one normal PDK-2 or to waith for a better one...


Name:  PDK-_2__TX-RX.jpg
Views: 5211
Size:  22.1 KB

Name:  hfhf 182.jpg
Views: 6297
Size:  584.6 KB

here the schematic of one small transmitter ,unfortunatly is not powerfull enough...
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