Originally Posted by hung
About a couple years ago, I and a friend found out that by employing a 2box transmitter tuned in a particular frequency, and also specially angled and placed close to a small target, we could 'excite' the ionic emanation from a small target up to the point of PDCs and FGs easily detecting the item. In this instance a gold medal was found.
Prior to the TX use, the signal was unstable and the PDC would only pick it in sparse beeps very close. When the TX was used, the target beeps turned constant and detectable at 4-5 times the distance.
I believe the oscillator Alonso buried close to the target was for this purpose.
And, what a coincidence, Mineoro does 2-box units! Check the frequency and then look at the schematic that was posted above. What a coincidence! What was planted is known in the industry as a "sonde". We (Fisher) just happen to know a thing or two about such matters, being the oldest company in the business.
Of course what Mineoro was up to had nothing to do with "exciting ionic emanations" (that's pseudoscience malarkey for the gullibillies) and has everything to do with the fraud to which Hung himself has just admitted to knowing about!
Besides which the Mineoro website itself contradicts the notion that you can plant a target and then recover it, it even contradicts the notion that anything that happens with targets is detectable! Mineoro knows exactly what kind of business LRL's are, and the business is fraud.
We all know the same thing about LRL's, debunkers and merchandisers alike, that the things are frauds. The only disagreement is over what should be said and done about it.
Hung, what should be said and done about LRL fraud, is there anything you'd like to clarify that hasn't been covered by the factory already?
--Dave J.