Originally Posted by Dedevil
Yes Q I totally agree, But, this is of the electronic kind and you as administrator have let it through to our non- electronic posts  and you have amplified it by replying back 
2, yes thats "TWO" crosses Q Just remember 3 and your out!
Dowsing & Passive Locators
Discussions on dowsing and non-electronic locators such as the Anderson rod. This is also the place for pendulums, bobbers, and Spanish Dip Needles.
Very funny ... but you are wrong yet again!
All-Electronic LRLs
Discussions on LRLs which do not include swivel methods, including "Ionic" and "Pistol Detector" devices.
Dowsing & Passive Locators
Discussions on dowsing and non-electronic locators such as the Anderson rod. This is also the place for pendulums, bobbers, and Spanish Dip Needles.
Since the gizmo under discussion has a swinging handle, it is clearly a dowsing rod, and not based on "ionic" pseudo-science. Neither is it a pistol detector. As I explained earlier (and you obviously missed that) the electronics contribute absolutely nothing, except to fool the technically challenged with a view to emptying their wallets. This a dowsing rod, pure and simple. In other words, it belongs in the Dowsing and Passive Locators forum.