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Old 01-27-2012, 02:06 PM
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Default NMR Spectroscopy

Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Hi sakis1,

Thank you for posting your tips to learn about the NMR that you use on your pistol.
I read your all the websites that show images where you say "look at google images for NMR.
I found that all the images showed powerful magnets that are used to create a very strong magnetic field to put unknown samples into so the NMR can be measured.
What I read from the links you showed, the only way to obtain a strong enough magnetic field to detect NMR frequencies requires using a superconducting magnet to make a 12 Tesla or more field field to insert a sample into. Liquid nitrogen and liquid helium are required in order to cool the solenoid coils cold enough to create the superconducting electromagnet so it can reach a large current flow to create this enormous magnetic field.
Of course, the superconducting magnet wire is usually a copper clad niobium-titanium alloy, because ordinary copper wire does not work.
I can see from your google NMR images that a computer is used to make calculations from the MHz data taken from the sensors in the NMR cyrogenic chamber.
The final calculation can identify what element was present from the precession data.
See below for some images I found when I made the google NMR image search as you said.

I had no idea that you have found a way to miniaturize a superconducting solenoid to generate intense magnetic fields strong enough to perform NMR spectrometry.
This is quite a feat.
This magnetic field is only 200,000 times stronger than the earth's natural field, but it should be strong enough to give adequate results for NMR spectroscopy.
It seems even more amazing that you have been able to identify buried samples without placing them into the 12 Tesla superconducting field on your PD first.

What I am wondering are three questions:
1. How do you keep the liquid nitrogen and liquid helium cold long enough for treasure hunting so your superconducting coil can maintain the 12 Tesla field?
2. What power source do you use to drive your superconducting magnet?
3. How did you manage to get buried treasures to precess when they are not first placed inside the 12 Tesla magnet cavity on your PD?

Best wishes,
another link for NMR
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