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Old 01-18-2012, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
Yes i know those charges. I used to surf as a sport. The surf wave is caused by the moons gravitational static pull on the earth and you can measure it by how big the waves are.( A natural meter) When i did this divining yes, i was flying so to speak. I was on a wooden isolated deck. But it still works when you are on the ground, you become a type of part or component of the gravitational static force. If you think that there is nothing of my theory try going to the beach at low tide. Then lie down at the low water level mark and wait 24 hrs. I think after 12hrs as the tide comes in and the waves are drowning you, you will realise my theory is correct.
My theory which really isn't my theory just known science is MASS ATTRACTS MASS and the amount of attraction is proportional to the MASS.
You convinced me. I must agree, at the Full Moon all Gold is walking around and you can collect it with your dowsing rod.
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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