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Old 01-15-2012, 03:43 PM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Hell
Posts: 262
Default Good idea GEO!

Before i start: to the previous reply: the LED is just to say the unit is switched ON

I dont know if you read on this forum my comment under passive devices;

It's under passive stuff although it is electronic so i will change the thread to here (if you dont mind GEO)

My tread under passive read;

Thought this was an interesting science find.
I have an underground stream in the backyard, and just like a lot of other people, I can divine it with L RODS. I find this very simple to explain in that my body has a charge and the underground stream has a charge, like two plates of a charged capacitor. And the L rods point in the direction of the path of least resistance towards the charge of the stream in an attempt to break through the dielectric air and discharge. When I walk over the stream the rods swing and cross over each other because the path of least resistance is directly below me. Sounds like a very simple scientific explanation to me, it’s not rocket science just static charge!
But, as I was playing around with my divining rods I decided to try out a new type of divining wand. While thinking about what I was doing, I thought the two L rod method uses the charge of my body through to the rods to give direction, so why can’t I just use one rod. It works for Harry Potter! and he found millions.
So I thought of combining a spring into the design and went to the shed and after ½ hr I had a spring loaded wand/piece of wire thing. It was made of 3-4mm plain fencing wire, had a length/handle to fit into my hand then 15 turns on 20mm dia then straight out another 60 cm.
So I sat around 60 meters from the underground creek and just like L rods the spring wand gave nudges towards the path of least resistance to the creek. I then started counting “1 meter” “2 meters” “5 meters”, etc, and at 60 meters the end of the spring started bopping up and down.
As bizarre as this sounds the spring wand was accurate to the meter, the next question was why?
So I used a process of elimination. The creeks charge wasn’t changing. The air and soil that acted as a dielectric wasn’t changing. So the change in charge must be coming from me. The only thing that I could think of was the charge that causes the muscles in my heart to move. And guess what, the bopping of the wand at 60 meters was at the same rate as my heart beat. It’s my guess that the differences in charge between myself and the creek combined with a slightly more change caused by my heartbeat were producing a reflected static wave from the creek at the same rate as my heartbeat and causing the spring wand to bop up and down. If you think it’s crazy and bizarre TRY IT!
Regards to all.

So i'm thinking of building: Two capacitive plates

If you take (from GEO's circuit) the 555 timer via a transistor (to charge it up) to a plate, and then from that plate take a coil type diving wand. It should if pulsed correctly, point or give nudges towards the path of least resistance in the local gravitational field/ path of least resistance.

regards to all
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