Originally Posted by Aziz
Don't tell me B$ please. We aren't playing the B$ bingo game here.
But tell me the real truth and provable facts.
What are you measuring?

This is my second post as rubin
I write my post with logic
I you have "interest" for find measuring, do you believe i can send you?
Why must be send to you this infos?
You are my friend? For a "
....thank you" or for a "
....yes rubin you are correct"
Do you know my real name or i know your real face?
Please send me a logic meaning, why i must publish for all world this infos
Please don't you write here ".... for science", because, this is a joke... with members here hunting information for commercial use.
I repeat again, you must try alone for true, with "open mind" . Sometimes solution is.. very near my friend, but you need make experiments, see with your eyes real results.
Believe me