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Old 07-21-2011, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by expert View Post

1-wrong schematic
2-distance betwen tube and laser
3- using(red laser pointer) not using infra red
4-or we are too slow to see the effect so we need digital signal proccing high speed
5- you are not born dowser, as you have to be, to successfully work with such devices.

Dowsing tool in dowser hands, no matter if it is out of wood or full of modern electronic, it is olways only utility means to an end approach of your inner dowsing capability.

Mean, there are not outer way to successfull dowsing (such as self-operating PD device), there are only inner way and different dowsing utilities as PD's are only tools to help your inner concentration on matter.

PD's cannot find nothing by itself.
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