Thread: H3Tec Challenge
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Old 04-19-2011, 05:17 AM
cowgirl cowgirl is offline
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Posts: 7

Good work on Sir Charles' CalTech fictions.

Have you considered checking into his stellar academic record at Dixie Jr. College in St. George Utah? I think he dropped out before his first class but it might be worth some laughs. I'm thinking it was '71. I'm sure they could tell you if he dropped out or was expelled.

Dad always called him "Chuckles" because his fantasies were always good for a laugh. I'm sure dad wouldn't be laughing about his son claiming his Franklin award as his own. Our dad's lifetime goal was to have his "thumbprint in space". He achieved this with his Payload Assist Module program. It's so sad that his own son stole the credit for his greatest achievement upon his death. I always thought Sir Charles sold us all out to the woman who murdered our dad for drug money. Maybe he just couldn't wait for dad to die so he could assume his identity and usurp his achievements.

I wish someone could look into his criminal conviction. He was in the State penn. so it must have been a felony. He is sure playing a dangerous game for someone with a prior felony conviction.
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