Thread: H3Tec Challenge
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Old 04-19-2011, 03:47 AM
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Carl-NC Carl-NC is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Oregon
Posts: 889

My recent email exchange with Chuck was as follows:
[Chuck] You have 24 hours to remove all postings about me or H3 Tec from your forum.
[Carl] Or what?
[Chuck] Good enough... times up hope it was worth your time
[Carl] Yeah, that bluff done been called. I'll bet you suck at poker.

Tellyawhut Chuckie... Monday I'm gonna phone up the Registrar's Office at Cal Tech. If you really got those degrees you say you got, I'll remove your sister's post. And, yeah, she verified she's your sis. I wonder if your brother loves you as much.
[Chuck] I'm pretty sure you believe this is a game. I now have exactly what my lawyers need. You probably know them from your last law suit. They sure know you. Anyway I sure hope you get what you need from all of this, and remember you are the smartest man in the world.

As promised, I called up the Cal Tech Registrar's office today to get verification of the two degrees Chuck claims to have, per the bio he provided to "Cambridge Who's Who," shown below with the education highlighted.

The results?

Cal Tech has never heard of Charles Lance Christensen.
Not even a record of enrollment, much less graduation. His degrees are a complete fabrication.

Furthermore, I check into Chuck's claim that he was awarded the "R.D. Franklyn Award for Aerospace Engineering." Chuck's brother agrees with his sister: the award was given to their father, not to Chuck; so Chuck is falsely claiming this, too.

Chuck, you're right, this is a game for me. I'm having a blast! But for you, the things you're doing could seriously land you [back?] in prison. Good luck with those lawyers.
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Last edited by Carl-NC; 04-19-2011 at 02:18 PM.
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